I am absolutely still amazed at God's timing and God's working in my life! As I have posted earlier I am reading "Power Thoughts" by Joyce Meyer and have been taking one week per power thought to meditate, study and speak out to myself and God each thought for that week. It has amazed me how each week the thought has been right on target with what I needed for that week. I am only on power thought #4 out of 12, so this will be a long process. But through it all I am learning and memorizing scriptures and hiding the Word in my heart. Just to refresh your memories, here are the ones I have been through so far:
Power Thought #1 - I can do whatever I need to do in life through Christ. (Based on Philippians 4:13)
Power Thought #2 - God loves me unconditionally! (Based on Ephesians 1:4)
Power Thought #3 - I will not live in fear. (Based on 2 Timothy 1:7)
And the one I started today:
Power Thought #4 - I am difficult to offend. (Psalm 119:165)
What amazes me about God's timing on this one, is that I have struggled this past week with a spirit of rejection. I have been easily offended. I am not proud of this, but I have realized that situations in my past have caused this spirit to take hold of my life and has caused me to believe the lies that I am not wanted or important, or even loved. I think that is why I even have a hard time believing that God really loves me unconditionally. I feel like I have to work for His love...do good...which we all know that our righteousness is as filthy rags! It is only in Him and His righteousness that we can live a righteous and Holy life!
So, how in the world did I just happen to be on this chapter in the book and this power thought just happened to be the one I needed for this week? It's God! And just to show you how God is working through all this, I have also started reading another book that God actually led me to last week, called "The Skinny Diet". A completely different type of book talking about losing weight on a "skinny" budget. It is written by a christian woman who has lost 155 pounds and she did it while allowing God to be in control of her weight loss journey, instead of her being in control, and not only did she lose the weight, she also lost a lot of debt! (I will talk more about this book as I read through it).
So, as I am reading some this morning in "The Skinny Budget Diet" after reading about the Power Thought of not being easily offended, I just "so happen" to be in a part that talks about emotional eating and the lies we tend to believe about ourselves. This is what it said:
"Although the lies may never go away while we walk on this earth, they will grow weaker every time we honestly confront them for what they are. Lies. Don't allow them to turn a bad day into a bad week into a bad month. Pray and let God shine the light of truth on them!" Can you say, GOD?! Wow!
In my last blog I asked the question about What does it mean to Give it to God. I think I am finally understanding how that looks. Something else I read this morning in the diet book really made sense as to what it actually looks like to do this. I highlighted this statement.:
"When you feel tempted, you will need a strength that goes beyond your own. When you feel disappointed, you will need a loving Father and the unshakable foundation that FAITH and PRAYER can provide. It can be a base of support that will stand strong even when the people in your life disappoint you." (I put the emphasis on the Faith and Prayer).
So, there you have it. God is amazing, and He is slowly opening my eyes and my heart to "hear" Him and totally give all control to Him.